Friday, August 25, 2006

0825 Smoked salmon

I was so surprised today is Friday. I thought it should be Thursday. I feel I lost one day.
The most happy thing today is I got some smoked fish! Arlene made some and gave a plate for me to taste. It was soooooo good! Its smoky and rich taste is just incredible. The smoked salmon I had before was thin slices but the one Arlene made was cubics. I love it so much that I ate them all right away.
I got the tracking license today which is a very good news. Now, I can show the water temperature change with time by animation. It seems coming out good. Anne likes it. Few adjustments need to be done. But that is a "giant leap" for me :) I also showed the temperature depth changes by different figures on a page. Anne likes that one, too. To make this kind of figures needs a lot of time but not difficult at all. I think I can have my small project by doing these two formats (animation ands figures) and these would become the report of what I have done for one month here. Not bad~ I need to do faster. There is really not much time left. Anyway, I still spent some time sitting by the coast. Everything is so bright under the sun here. You can feel the fall in the air. Temperature drop, but not so much rain. This is the typical weather in fall here, Arlene said. I heard the Denali has started to change its color. I should start to plan my trip now.


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